Leontine von Littrow
If you own works by the painter Leontine von Littrow or know where they are located, please contact us so that we can add them to the archive and publish them in our monograph.
Josef Stoitzner
Werts lovers and collectors of Josef Stoitzner,
We buy quality paintings and sculptures and antiques of all periods (antiquity to the present).
Three generations of experience in the art trade at the highest level gives us the opportunity to acquire even significant objects. We are a serious and discreet partner for single objects, whole collections and estates.
We are looking forward to your contact with our gallery.
Stay informed!
Kolhammer & Mahringer, fine arts
Penzingerstrasse 23
A- 1140 Vienna/Europe
Showroom Schönbrunn
Alfred Kolhammer +43 676 412 88 88
Rudolf Mahringer +43 664 574 42 74